We urge you to carefully consider the purchase of the Inner Rod, keeping in mind that this product is indicated only in the absence of problems related to penetration or vaginal atrophy, potentially induced by testosterone-based hormone replacement therapy, especially if taken for prolonged periods.
The use of the internal insertion egg could be uncomfortable or annoying for some physical conformations. For this reason, we recommend that you carefully evaluate the compatibility of the product with your physical needs.
Furthermore, to ensure proper hygiene and preserve the integrity of the egg, we suggest using water-based condoms.
It is advisable to proceed with the insertion of the egg using a water-based lubricant, in order to facilitate the process and improve comfort during use.
Do not use in case of prolonged pain or discomfort.
The use of Boxers, Briefs or Harness is MANDATORY, as the weight of the prosthesis moves it away from the body and risks damaging the shaft.
However, it is an excellent solution for a more pleasant involvement in sexual intercourse.