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lgbtqia+ explanation ftm transition

Here you can find a list of some LGBTQA + terminologies  and specific to the purchase of FtM prosthetics.

This glossary provides a concise definition of the terms most frequently used when dealing with issues of sexual orientation and gender identity, in order to offer a shared vocabulary.
The items in the list do not follow an alphabetical order but a thematic development.

Biological Sex

Determined by nature, it is the combination of genetic, anatomical, morphological, physiological and psychological (in humans) traits that define belonging to a male, female or intersex condition. It is a purely physical dimension linked to the body with which one is born, and is assigned based on anatomy. Sex, gender and sexual orientation are not dependent on each other  


Gender identity

It refers to the inner sense of belonging of each to a sexual gender (man or woman) and can correspond to one's biological sex of birth (CISgender) or to the opposite one (TRANSgender or transsexual). Specifically, a male who perceives himself as a man or a female who perceives himself as a woman will be cisgender; a male who recognizes himself as a woman will be referred to as A transsexual (M to F) while a female who recognizes himself as a man will be A transsexual (F to M). It should also be noted that being transgender does not necessarily imply undergoing sex reassignment surgery as this is a choice that not all transgender individuals decide to make.

Other terms that may be useful in describing other conditions with respect to gender identity are: agender (without gender - those who do not recognize themselves in a gender that can be classified as female or male, or who do not identify with any gender identity); genderqueer (umbrella term that groups the different identity definitions described above, not falling exclusively into the female / male binomial); genderfluid (when gender identity is changeable between two or more genders, feminine / masculine / neutral).

Finally, speaking of gender, another concept must also be remembered, which is that of GENDER ROLE, that is the set of prescriptions and social expectations on what the reference culture deems adequate and appropriate for men and women (for example which jobs or interests are considered female and which male);  


Sexual orientation

Indicates the stable and / or prevailing direction of physical, romantic, affective and emotional attraction towards  The other people. Heterosexual is defined as someone who perceives attraction towards those who have a different sex from their own, homosexual who instead experiences it towards people of the same sex they belong to and, finally, bisexual who is not exclusively / predominantly attracted to one sex. Gay and lesbian are therefore the terms that indicate respectively a homosexual man and woman. Sexual orientation can vary in different ways and degrees over the course of one's life.

It is important to clarify that it is not a question of summarily giving labels or using ghettoizing terms but of words that help to recognize, name and understand the differences, in order to legitimize and give full right of existence to the experiences and experiences of many people who, for too long, they have been invisible and often stigmatized by society.

Gender expression

Term that indicates the ways in which we communicate our gender identity  (attitude, gestures, clothing, outward appearance, etc.)

Gender role

  It refers to or contrasts with the stereotyped roles of man and woman and can indicate both the assumption of sexual behavior in the couple and the assumption of social behavior (activity / passivity: aggression / welcoming etc.)

Gender dysphoria

Sense of discomfort or suffering that the transgender person may feel towards their body (physical dysphoria) and / or being identified in the wrong gender by society (social dysphoria)


The term transgender refers to a broad category of people whose gender identity does not coincide with their biological sex. The opposite of transgender is cisgender.

Transition  This is the medico-legal process that converts outward appearance and personal data to the gender felt as one's own. This process is governed by law 164/82, which authorizes gender reassignment operations and registry adjustments. There is no single type of transition: each individual follows a different path according to their needs and wants. There are those who do not undergo hormone replacement treatment, those who do not want genital reassignment and those who, on the contrary, do. The timing of the route varies from person to person.


The term FTM (female to male) is used to refer to transgender or transsexual people who face the transition from female to male.  



The term MTF (male to female) is used to refer to transgender or transsexual people who face the transition from male to female.


Not Binary

The umbrella term Non Binary is used to encompass all gender identities that do not fall within the man / woman dualism, such as genderqueer, agender, transmasc and transfemme, genderfluid.



Term belonging to the Non Binary umbrella, which is used to indicate those who partially recognize themselves in the male gender. It can be translated as trans-masculine.



  Intersex or DSD ("disorders of sex development") indicates a multiplicity and variety of conditions in which those born with sex chromosomes, and / or a reproductive system, and / or secondary sexual characteristics that vary from traditional definitions of what is considered feminine and masculine. Intersex is often not evident at birth but manifests itself during puberty or can be discovered in adulthood. Even today, in many countries, the intersexuality of infants and children is treated as a "psychosocial emergency" that pushes doctors and parents to assign a sex and gender (according to the female / male dichotomy) to be carried out as soon as possible, followed by administration of hormones from childhood and, sometimes, by repeated surgical interventions to "normalize" the genitals and primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Since the mid-1990s, thanks to the nascent international intersex movements as well as some feminist intellectuals, researchers / doctors and doctors, the dominant protocols of intersex management have been questioned in view of protocols more attentive to the needs of the person under consideration. self-determination of the individual and the complexity of the formation of a person's sexual and gender identity.


Coming Out

VOLUNTARY act of a person to publicly declare their sexual and emotional orientation or their gender identity. Spsso is confused with the term "outing", which is instead acted by others towards a person without his consent.


The term packing refers to the practice of creating volume in the genital area so that you feel closer to your true gender.

There are various types of packers: the walking ones are the cheapest and easiest to wear.


Packer STP

Acronym for Packer Stand to Pee, ideal for standing urination. It is very important to pay attention to the care and hygiene of a packer of this type.  


Daily Soft packer

Unlike STP packers, walking packers cannot be used for urination  standing up, and have the sole purpose of creating volume in the pants. However, they are an excellent ally for those looking for an economical product able to alleviate bottom dysphoria.


3 in 1 Packer

The 3-in-1 packers maintain the functions of STP and walking packer, but can be used to have penetrative sexual intercourse.

The prosthesis, soft in itself, when “at rest”, can become rigid thanks to the insertion of the special internal rod, equipped with a stimulating mouthpiece and already included at the time of purchase.

They are also commonly referred to as "Pack N 'Play".


Packer 4 in 1

The 4 in 1 packers are an innovation in the field of realistic packers for FTM people: in addition to the functions of walking packer, STP and 3 in 1, they are characterized by the presence of movable skin. Thanks to it, it is possible to simulate male masturbation, with very strong and positive psychological implications on its user, who will feel closer to their true gender.



T4T defines the romantic, platonic or sexual relationship between two trans people, that might find more comfort in each other, during their gender transition, instead of a cisgender partner. 


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